Wednesday 22 August 2012

Made With Love

I often find myself at these points of creative block, and they are often the points at which I feel it necessary to have a ramble on my blog here. What is it that will get me to the next level? What is the inspiration, the theme, the idea that will spur on the next flood of designs in my imagination? How will I get there?
Often I have found a great deal of good comes from taking a step back to just be, spending time in nature, or taking time to read or take photographs. Other things that have helped are looking at art and the inspired work of other craftspeople and artists, expanding my mind by learning new techniques, and spending time with friends on a similar path. These are all useful, all functional, but sometimes they are not quite enough. There is something more to the process that just taking time to have a break or to find inspiration outside of the self. What this is, is love.
I can honestly say I love what I do. I find the challenge of creating something new, something inspiring, something meaningful and spiritual to be the most wonderful blessing I could ever have been given. Being able to channel my creative energy towards the healing, wisdom, strength and magic of others is the most rewarding thing I could ever have hoped to achieve. And what amazing people for whom I am blessed to be able to make these creations: Magicians, Witches, Shamans, Druids, Priestesses and Priests, Wild Men and Women, Healers, Psychics, Goddesses and Gods, and so much more. Each and every person I create for is an amazing being worthy of the love I put into my work, and the more I give, the more I feel I have :-)
Love is an incredible gift. It is the gift which can never be lost in the giving. When we love, we feel love too - we love ourselves in loving. I think each and every person has a duty to find the way that they can share their love with the world, and this can be done in so many ways. Every "job", every role, can have a creative block of sorts - a time when you feel flat and unable to work to the best of your ability - but similarly every job can find inspiration in love.
When I reach a creative block it can be too easy to think that I can't go any further because I have used up all my creativity: "I don't have any more ideas" I might tell myself. But this isn't the case - there are endless possibilities for creativity - what is really missing is the love. Once I remind myself that true creativity and inspiration comes from the heart, often I know just what I need to do. It becomes easy. When I know "all I need is love" I know how to find that, whether it is through having some time to myself, or some time in nature, or some time to learn new skills or something else. What it is at any one time can be forever changing. What I need right now to feel the love might be simply sleep, or to read an inspiring book, or just a cup of tea. Life's simple pleasures are so often the key to finding a love of life.
When I make this realisation I know exactly what I need, and when I do this, my work will flow again with love. And everything I make will be made with love <3 Follow your heart <3